Telepresence Articles

Leather Crafting With an Ohmni Telepresence Robot

Leather Crafting With an Ohmni Telepresence Robot

With the help of an Ohmni telepresence robot, a leather goods company is able to fully operate in Turkey while their CEO is located in Dallas, Texas. When browsing the Pegai website, you’ll see a fine selection of...

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Ohmni Telepresence Robots at the Super Bowl

Our Ohmni telepresence robots were used to create memorable, one-of-a-kind experiences at the Super Bowl. OhmniLabs has always been focused on creating human-centric robotics. Our products are designed to enhance life...

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Innovation for Remote Work: An Ohmni Case Study

The Gore Innovation Center has chosen Ohmni’s telepresence technology as their remote work solution and is seeing some amazing benefits.Michael Magyar had been an Associate with W. L. Gore & Associates (Gore) for...

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OhmniLabs Partners with Josh Williams

Josh Williams Hospital Tour Revs Up Virtual Visits to Nascar Xfinity Racetracks Using Kid-Controlled Telepresence Robots from OhmniLabsNascar driver extends community and charitable contributions with heartwarming...

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TODAY | Ohmni Robot Innovates Remote Work

How virtual reality is innovating work-from-home experiences As the omicron variant puts a pause on return to office plans from coast-to-coast, more workers are having to upgrade their home set-up to ease...

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BBC News | CHAMP and Football-playing Robots

Can football-playing robots beat the World Cup winners by 2050? For some, robots in the sports world are already having an impact of a very different kind. In June, US robotics firm OhmniLabs and carmaker Volkswagen...

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