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Infection Intel: AstraZeneca, DayZero and Oxford Nanopore, and More
UV-C Disinfection Robot by OhmniClean Eliminates Infections at Daycare Center Managed by 24Sparkles … read more

Infection Prevention Department Displays Navajo Traditions
Language can be a barrier in any situation. In an acute care hospital, it can be particularly difficult…. read more

Increasing Infection Prevention in the Navajo Nation With UV-C Robots
In this second installment of a 3-installment series, Infection Control Today® (ICT®) speaks… read more

Providing Infection Prevention on the Navajo Nation
In this first installment of a 3-installment series, Infection Control Today® (ICT®) speaks … read more

Navigating the ‘tripledemic’: Flu, RSV, and COVID-19 in the OR
The healthcare sector has begun grappling with a repeat challenge this fall and winter: the simultaneous surge of …. read more

Postpandemic applicability, usage of UV disinfection technology
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of proper disinfection to manage and contain the …. read more

Josh Williams Hospital Tour with Ohmni Robot
"As an extension of these visits, Josh enlisted the help of OhmniLabs to use their Telepresence robots,...

Robotics for All with Thuc Vu
"In this new episode of Robotics for All Podcast by AV&R, Michael Muldoon host of our show, speaks with...

KTLA | Clean Sweep Group UV-C Robotic Disinfection
"Gayle Anderson watched the work of one of the many companies using ultraviolet radiation (UV-C), to destroy...

CBS | Ohmni Robot on London’s Savile Row
"The past is meeting the present on London’s famous Savile Row. Jeff Glor went there to explore the central...

Demystifying Deep Tech
"The Demystifying Deep Tech Manufacturing Series aims to answer how to best support emerging deep tech...

TODAY | Ohmni Robot Innovates Remote Work
How virtual reality is innovating work-from-home experiences As the omicron variant puts a pause on return...

ABC7 News | OhmniClean is Omicron Fighter for Schools, Medical Facilities and Offices
David Louie features OhmniClean, OhmniLabs' new autonomous UV-C disinfection robot. This story was created...

Volkswagen | CHAMP Robot Gets Kids Closer to Their Heroes
CHAMP Robot was custom-designed and manufactured for Volkswagen to increase access and inclusivity in...

BBC News | CHAMP and Football-playing Robots
Can football-playing robots beat the World Cup winners by 2050? For some, robots in the sports world are...

UCLA Health | Patients use Ohmni® Robot at Dodger Stadium
UCLA Health pediatric patients use robot to "run the bases" at Dodger Stadium New video shows hospitalized...
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Ohmni® robots are reasonably priced, fast and easy to set up and use, typically within minutes. Get yours today!