Virtual Tour Robot For Audit & Inspections
Are your facilities ready for virtual tour robots?
Be on-site with a single click. Robots get the job done.
Because Continuous Improvement Never Stops
Costly downtime due to equipment and production line failures
Difficult to maintain operational excellence across multiple locations
Air travel is risky, complex, costly and you need a travel alternative
Challenging to conduct routine audits and inspections
With a robot you can be there in one click to collaborate and find a solution
Monitor your facility’s health remotely via a mobile robot
Empower your remote members to team up in realtime with Ohmni Robot
Be on the shop floor instantly through a robot to conduct virtual GEMBA walks
Virtual GEMBA Walks Using Mobile Telepresence Robots
+ Identify limitations with video conferencing-based Gemba Walks
+ Learn about the benefits of a Virtual Gemba Walk
+ Illustrate the best way to conduct a Virtual Gemba Walk
Virtual GEMBA Walks Using Mobile Telepresence Robots
+ Identify limitations
+ Learn the Benefits
+ Key Practices
Customers take control of the robot and drive through EPCOR’s shop to inspect parts, communicate with engineers and mechanics about repair solutions and invite colleagues to join from their own remote locations.
Put your customers in the driver’s seat.
Average cost of international business trip. Domestic cost average is $1,425
The average cost per one hour of
equipment downtime
Per min/cost of production line downtime in the manufacturing industry
Ohmni® Virtual Tour Robot will get you back to work
Let us show you how telepresence robots can improve your business, beyond the restrictions while minimizing risk and cost.
Schedule an Ohmni Robot Test Drive Today
Once you’re behind the wheel, it’s easy to see how Ohmni Mobile Telepresence Robot can be an effective travel alternative, allowing you to be anywhere, from anywhere.