A recent study has shown that autonomous UV-C disinfection robots are significantly more effective than their stationary counterparts in a hospital setting.
When used as part of a routine cleaning procedure, UV light has been proven to be an effective form of disinfection. And while the available options to use may be numerous, it’s important to remember that not all solutions are created equal. In fact, a recent study has shown that autonomous UV-C disinfection robots are significantly more effective than their stationary counterparts in a hospital setting.
Download the complete study here.
In this article, we’ll go over this study and present a summary of its findings, which demonstrate how autonomous UV-C disinfection is the best choice to protect your patients by keeping your facilities free from harmful pathogens like MRSA and fungi like Candida auris.
Methods for Comparing Stationary & Autonomous Disinfection
The study took place at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills, California in June 2022. The focus was on disinfection of a hospital patient room, operating room, and emergency room bay. For this study, our own OhmniClean robot was used to test the autonomous disinfection strategy.
For the stationary emitters, there were two types of disinfection cycles: whole room disinfection — where the emitter was positioned in the approximate center of the room — and spot disinfection — where the emitter was placed in two different locations with manual repositioning halfway through the allotted cycle duration.
For the autonomous UV-C disinfection robot, it was given a set path to follow and perform a single pass of each surface in the room.

To record the amount of UV light delivered, ten dosimeters were strategically placed around each room and on the same surfaces within the room for both the stationary and autonomous UV-C disinfection. Finally, each cycle was run for a duration of ten minutes.
Results are In — Autonomous UV-C Reigns Supreme!
Upon completion of the disinfection cycles, the results clearly showed that autonomous UV-C disinfection is the superior solution. As the study states, “The autonomous UV-C strategy produced significantly higher UV-C dosages compared to the nonautonomous strategies due to the reduced distances, angles, and shadows to the dosimeters.”
The median UV-C dosage delivered by the autonomous unit was almost 3x that of the stationary emitters.
As to the specific results, the mean distance of the dosimeters to the UV-C emitter during the autonomous disinfection strategy (1.0 m) was significantly shorter than whole-room disinfection (2.41 m) and spot disinfection (1.87 meters). This is due to the autonomous design, which brings the UV light up close to every surface, minimizing the distance from the emitter so that each spot receives the highest level of intensity.

Across all data points, the researchers could only come to one conclusion: autonomous UV-C disinfection strategies are the way to go “… due to improved exposure on otherwise distant, angled, and shadowed surfaces. Increased UV-C dosages from autonomous emitters may further improve hospital environmental hygiene.”
OhmniClean — The Best Choice for Disinfection
As the study shows, autonomous UV-C disinfection is vastly superior to stationary emitters, especially in hospital settings. And there’s no better choice for autonomy than our OhmniClean robot. OhmniClean is built to deliver the highest levels of UV light, with its compact design able to fit in even the smallest and tightest of areas, allowing the powerful disinfectant to be thoroughly delivered to all surfaces.
In addition to this study which demonstrates its efficacy, OhmniClean has been third-party tested and proven to deliver high levels of UV disinfection, with results showing that it eliminates over 99.99% of pathogens such as MRSA, VRE, and C. diff.
With a myriad of choices for disinfection, there’s no denying that OhmniClean autonomous UV-C disinfection robot is ahead of the curve in keeping healthcare facilities clean and safe for patients, staff, and other visitors.