Content Articles

The Rise of RSV and the Tripledemic

A surge in RSV cases is combining with flu and COVID-19 to create a tripledemic. As we’ve moved into the winter months, we again find ourselves in the middle of cold and flu season. However, this year we’re seeing a...

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Advancing the Design of UV Disinfection Robots

A behind-the-scenes look at what goes into designing UV disinfection robots. Steve Jobs once said, “Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really how...

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Finding the Right UV Disinfection Solution

There are several things to consider when searching for the best UV disinfection solution for your organization. With UV light being an effective tool to fight against infection, there are several different UV...

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How to Prove the Efficacy of UV Disinfection

How do you prove the efficacy of UV disinfection? We brought in a third party to find out. With over a century of use as a disinfectant, there is a plethora of scientific studies validating the effectiveness of UV...

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Cost-Saving Benefits of UV-C Disinfection

As the demand for disinfection has increased over the past few years, so have the various costs associated with it. From purchasing chemicals to the expanding number of staff, keeping people safe from infection can...

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7 Ways Technology Can Help Hospitals

Technology has played a major role in patient care, thanks to new and innovative solutions. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, technology has significantly reduced the risk of...

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